Friday, September 23, 2005


Kudos and thanks to Mike Bates of, for his well thought out article in Urban Tulsa Weekly laying out his arguments for why the voters of Tulsa should turn down the extension of Tulsa County's "Four-to-Fix" sales tax.

One of the problems that is going to be faced by anyone trying to develop a message in opposition to this extension, is the fact that there are so many reasons not to approve the new tax, that it will be difficult to winnow the list down to a select few, so as to not overwhelm the voters. Here's one interesting factoid, that I was not aware of until I read Mike's piece (part of his popularity is that he does his homework):

"Based on the first year and a half of Vision 2025 receipts, the county is on pace to raise $616 million over the 13 years of that 6/10th cent sales tax, a surplus of $81 million dollars, which is equivalent to six years of 4FC. The County also has a use tax, which has funded renovation of the Pavilion and other fairgrounds improvements, and which would still bring in $4 million a year if 4FC isn’t renewed."

I encourage you to click on the link above and read the piece for yourself.

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