Tuesday, June 16, 2009

New Show: TCMS for June 16, 2009

NEW SHOW: The latest installment of The Chris Medlock Show is in the can and ready for listening. Chris spends the entire show discussing the upcoming mayor's race in the City of Tulsa, including where he is on whether or not he'll run. Also discussed is who is officially in, who is out and who still has not made up their mind.

To download, click here.

Or listen directly using the app below:


David Van said...

I loved the show.
You've really developed as a talk host.

Thanks for the personal insight on your process of deciding whether the office of mayor is calling your name.

Former California Governor Ed Brown said; " The office chooses the man".
Jerry Brown added; "Sometimes men try to coax the office in their direction".

I don't think you ever completely stopped being a city leader. Even when serving with you in Republican party committees, I saw your passion for this city is undeminished by election results.

My prayers are with you in your decision.

Unknown said...

Wow! I never heard that audio of your mother speaking to Bill Christiansen at the council meeting. Good stuff!

Good show!

Anonymous said...

You requested comments on you running for Mayor to be submitted to chris@medblogged.com. FYI, they bounce back (returned) saying your mailbox is full.

Anonymous said...

Is there an email address to contact you at? Would be nice to be able to email you some info!

Chris Medlock said...

Thanks for the tip about the mailbox being full. I have one woman that sends me dozens of emails a day, and she filled up the box.

Anyone wanting to write comments directly to me can do so at chris@medblogged.com.

Chris Medlock said...

OK everybody. NOW I've got the mailbox issue solved. Deleted files, but didn't purge the "trash" files. Sorry for the inconvenience, but there's no staff here to handle this stuff for me. Just moi.